Thursday, September 12, 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

New exercise routine... Brought to you by Pinterest (unofficial)

The following pic from Instagram sums up my new workout regimen:

My gym is located on a college campus so the majority of members avoid the early morning like the plague.  This is good news for me because it means that I am able to pretty much use any machine in the gym without a wait. 
I also found this workout plan on Pinterest.  I like it so far... As much as one can like ab exercises before work.

I've lost a few pounds so I think that I am motivated for a little while to keep it up.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


To borrow a word from the Planet Fitness commercial, Gym-timidation is real.   Tonight I realized how intimidating going to the gym can be-especially if your gym is on a college campus.   Skinny girls are everywhere and it seems that they are all staring at you.  Add in one Zumba class with said girls and it can be extremely nerve wracking.   I thought about leaving and going home to eat a box of ice cream but one thing kept me from leaving.  I really enjoy Zumba.   It's a fun exercise and is a great way to get in shape.  Every time I thought about taking an extended water break (that would involve going home to get a sip of water ;),  I realized that I was here for me and no one else.  If I left,  I would only be hurting myself.   If I want to become one of the "skinny girls", I have to put in the time and effort to get there. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I have a confession to make.  I didn't go to the gym yesterday.  Why?  Because there was a line out the door and literally a line at least 60 yards long outside.  The gym was hosting a Battleship competition and was offering free pizza.

Doesn't this look like fun?  Maybe next time I should stand in line to see what the excitement's about.

For the record, I did get in my 10,000 steps. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

New foods- The kiwi!

I'm on a search to find low-calorie, delicious foods to eat.  Today's search brought me to kiwis.  I have always avoided this furry fruit because, let's face it... they're furry.  I wasn't sure how to eat them and I tend to avoid things I have to peel. 

Today, I actually took the time to read the package  that these particular kiwis came in.  I read the most life changing thing in regards to kiwis.  You can scoop them out of their furry shell!  It's like a disposable fruit salad of deliciousness! 
A few more reasons to eat kiwi include:
*They're high in vitamin C
*They're a good source of antioxidants, Vitamin E, Potassium, and Fiber
*They're 42 calories per kiwi
*They're a fun shade of green
*They're cute and fuzzy

(The last two probably aren't scientifically sound reasons to eat them but I'm partial to cute things.)

 I may have found my new favorite fruit.  

Friday, August 9, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Old habits

So since I've started counting calories more aggressively, I've discovered that some old random habits are coming back.  One of them is cooking.  I know it's weird, but I actually enjoy cooking when I'm watching my calorie intake.  When I initially started in 2012, I would bake cakes and then take them to work for others to enjoy.  It doesn't make sense to me as to why I enjoy baking things when I know I can't eat them.  

I've also noticed that I clean the house more.   I can't decide if its because of a higher energy level or if its me trying to avoid the refrigerator.

Has anyone else noticed any strange side-effects of dieting?